Legislation and Regulation Committee
At the request of the executive committee, this advisory committee examines all legislation and regulations relevant to the activities of the Corporation’s members. It also examines and coordinate every resolution adopted by the Provincial Council of Administration (PCA) regarding legislation and regulations governing the activities of the Corporation's members. It makes recommendations to the PCA on amendments to the Master Electricians Act and the Corporation's regulations or to any other act or regulation relevant to the activities of electrical contractors. This committee has nine members with a one-year term. They meet as needed.
2017-2018 Members
Éric McNeil (RI), président
Entreprises d’électricité J.M.N. inc.
Tél. : 418 562-4009
Daniel Sarrazin (LA)
St-Martin électrique inc.
Tél. : 450 687-8012
Denis Brault (LS)
Brault Électrik
(Entreprises Gilles Brault inc.)
Tél. : 450 466-4924
Denis Lefebvre (AB)
Électricité Denis Lefebvre inc.
Tél. : 819 824-2200
Jacques Dugré (MA)
Marc Cossette inc.
Tél. : 819 536-2611
Jean Larivière (MA)
Lartec (9032-2934 Québec inc.)
Tél. : 819 379-0941
Michel Bergeron (MA)
Multi-énergie Best inc.
Tél. : 819 378-6677
Richard Duval (MO)
Les installations électriques Richard Duval inc.
Tél. : 514 321-3262
Sylvain Berger (RI)
Electro (1983) inc.
Tél. : 418 724-4433
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