Nominating and Election Committee

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This decision-making committee accepts applications for directors on the Corporation’s executive committee and evaluate their conformity. It also organizes and supervises the vote when the number of applicants exceeds the number of positions to be filled. This committee has five members with a one-year term. They meet once or twice a year. Members of this committee can not apply to be directors on the Corporation’s executive committee.

2017-2018 Members

Daniel Carré (LS), président
DNSG électrique inc.
Tél. : 450 653-3553 

Denis Lessard (LN)
Les entreprises d'électricité Denis Lessard inc.
Tél. : 450 654-3128

Nicola Barile (LS)
Nicola Barile entrepreneur électricien inc.
Tél. : 450 445-9477

Richard Duval (MO)
Les installations électriques Richard Duval inc.
Tél. : 514 321-3262

Robert Leclerc (QU)
Services JMRC ltée
Tél. : 418 883-2392

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